Deirdre Hurley, Bayonne High School. The teacher acted as a role model and brought in her own mother, a World Trade Center survivor, to the classroom. Students realized how difficult it was for parents to talk about 9/11 with them.
English Language Arts & Humanities

Collecting 9/11 Oral Histories from Parents
Teachers are weaving 9/11 into the language curriculum through poetry and drama and through the development of both verbal and written presentation skills. A teacher looking for a way to memorialize the loss of life in acknowledging 9/11 on the anniversary guided students in reading poems and plays written by professional authors.
Another teacher in a middle school showed a documentary, talked with the students about 9/11, and then asked them to write their own short poems. Several language arts teachers have utilized oral history as a way to give students a feeling of personal connection to 9/11 through interviewing their parents about their experience on that day. The oral history assignment develops students’ ability to communicate clearly and effectively.